The course

Run over 8 weeks, including self-paced online podcasts and activities, an interactive forum, and 9 online live workshops.

To get the most out of this course the overall commitment required is approximately 22 hours over the 8 weeks. Your facilitators will have deep expertise in co-design and the context of mental health.

The course aspires to the following learning aims

Getting better outcomes from your projects

Providing you with a supportive toolkit to apply in your projects

Embracing new reform directions

Focusing in on

Over the innovative learning journey we will focus in on

Practical steps to co-design:

  • Readiness factors to become a co-designer.
  • What it takes to invite and support people to authentically participate.
  • Noticing and changing how you work with power and privilege.
  • Your own individual opportunity in championing what is at the heart of co-design.

Real world challenges:

  • The tension between current scope and future hope. Being aspirational and pragmatic.

Build expertise in critical concepts:

  • Why power and privilege is the heart of it all.
  • How power and privilege affects different levels of participation.
  • How knowledge, mindsets and worldview affects others and project outcomes.

Facilitators include

Chris Vanstone

Chief Innovation Officer at TACSI

Indigo Daya

Lived experience academic

Carla Clarence

Principal, Social Health at TACSI

Course resources preview

Listen to episode one of the course podcasts: Introduction to co-design

Download the ‘Enablers of Co-Design’ cards, one of many course resources.

Past course participant

“A terrific course”

Used so many different learning approaches and the warmth of presenters engendered trust and openness quickly and connected one with the heart, not just head for learning. A rare and highly valued experience. Walking the talk.