TACSI’s learning networks connect people across organisational boundaries to learn collaboratively, through content and conversation during online session facilitated by experienced TACSI practitioners. Building knowledge, connection and mutual support.
Recent sold out networks include Social Innovation in the Third Sector – which explored how to create the organisational conditions for innovation and Co-design in Mental Health (Which sold-out 3 times over) .
“The co-facilitation was fantastic, enabling many additional aspects or ideas to be gently presented.”
“Great conversations. I enjoyed having the opportunity to try things and discuss in breakout rooms.”
Participants in Co-design in Mental Health learning network
Learning outcomes
People typically leave the networks series with:
- Foundational knowledge in social innovation that is directly relevant to their sector
- Practical knowledge from their peers about how to overcome barriers to innovation
- Practical tools for co-design and social innovation
- New relationships in the sector
- A better understanding of the innovation status quo across their sector
“I’m definitely going to be more aware of power imbalances, and of the unique kinds of power people hold.”
“The course supported me to understand the co-design process and to apply it in practice.”
Participants in Co-design in Mental Health learning network
What you get
Networks are tailored to the sector and topic in focus, but likely to include
- Pre-network reflective activity
- 8-12 online sessions of 1-3 hours which combine opportunities to learn from TACSI, learn from your peers, and connect with your peers.
- Learning resources to explore and use between sessions
- Opportunities to get groups input on practical challenges you are facing.
- A takeaway package of tools and resources.
Timing, pricing and availability
We are currently planning out next round of networks.
If you are interested in participating in a network, or funding one, enquire below.