
Resources for non-Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and organisations interested in being better allies to First Nations people. These are all built on what TACSI has learnt about being a good ally through our work.

Many Threads Prompt Book

A framework and practical prompts to help non-Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations engage First Nations Peoples and foreground First Nations’ wisdom, so that together, we can further reconciliation, self-determination and change.

An editable version of the document is available for download here and is licensed under Attribution 4.0 International

Diagram of the 'Threads of Allyship'

Yarn about co-design and self-determination

Listen to Aunty Vickey (TACSI’s Aunty in Residence) and Dana Shen (former TACSI Director) give an Aboriginal Perspective on Co-design and Self-determination

Allyship Pattern Pack

An incomplete set of re-usable patterns for allyship.

Example cards from the 'Allyship Pattern Pack'

Continue your learning

If your team wants to learn more about allyship consider the Many Threads of Allyship short course.