Co-design and co-production are terms gaining increasing traction – but what do they actually mean in practice? This resource kit will gives you some tools to help find the approach to participation and inclusion that’s the best for your situation.
What’s good co-design?
An answer in three questions.
A video that introduces three questions you should always ask of co-design and then explains what a design thinking based approach to co-design could involve.
Co-production Framework pack
TACSI’s take on the co-production cycle, the participatory spectrum and the design process.

Co-pro Pattern Pack
An inspirational (and incomplete) set of re-usable patterns for lived-experience involvement in an organisation.

Continue your learning
If your team wants to learn more about the design side of co-design consider our short course Design Thinking (& doing) for Social Innovation.
If you want to learn more about participatory methods in the broader context of social innovation you may want to consider our 18 week course Foundations in Social Innovation
We are currently planning future courses on co-design and co-production. Reach out if you are interested.